30 October 2009

New York, New York!

At the end of the summer, before heading west, we stopped for a few days in New York City! This was my second trip to the city, but it was Matt's first. Lauren came down from Connecticut to be our tour guide. We stayed in my cousin's apartment on the edge of Harlem near the northern end of Central Park. We had such a fun time and can't wait to go back someday.

On the metro. Unfortunately I lost my $20 metro pass on Day One within twenty minutes of buying it and we had to buy another one. I can't stand doing careless things like that! We didn't let it ruin our trip, though.

We saw The Little Mermaid on Broadway! It was a very fun and creative show. Sebastian was phenomenal. I had our digital camera in my pocket when we sat down for the show. Little did I know it slid out of my pocket (the same pocket the metro pass disappeared from) and onto the ground beneath our seats! Luckily I realized the camera was missing about 3 blocks from the theater and we were able to sprint back and recover it. As organized as I am, every once in a while I get into these bouts of carelessness and stupidity, as was evidenced twice during Day One of our trip.

We had a fun adventure in Chinatown where Lauren and I got some new purses. Matt enjoyed our adventures into the little, secret shops and closets where the goods are kept.

Matt approved of the NY pizza.

Yummy NY cheesecake!

M&M at M&M World! How appropriate. Matt got lots of M&Ms.

Times Square. Matt loved this place.

Views from the top of the Empire State Building.

Grand Central Station.

Matt is always so good at being chivalrous and carrying all the bags and purses.

Matt took some very artistic pictures of the Statue of Liberty.

I love the view of the cityscape from Liberty Island.

Ellis Island and our bike tour through Central Park. Our bicycling tour guide was Hispanic and gave us our tour in Spanish! We loved it.

Me, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid. And Matt and Batman. All made of Legos at FAO Schwartz.

Matt LOVED FAO Schwartz, especially the overpriced candy he bought. (Apparently the M&Ms weren't enough.)

Matt and I were approached in Times Square to go to the David Letterman Show! The guests were some random comedians, and Imogen Heap performed. We sat in the second row, right across from Dave's desk. The second picture is The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which I only had about 45 minutes to basically sprint through. There are some amazing works there; I can't wait to go back!

Madison Avenue!


mollie said...

How fun! I love NY! You guys look so happy together. I can't wait to see you at Christmas. You're coming to Mesa, right? Love ya tons!

Austin and Karrie said...

What a fun little trip and a good way to end a summer! I love how your posts always have tons of pics!! They make me happy. Miss you! We need to catch up sometime :)

theniufamily said...

How fun! I remember going to together for student council. I have been wanting to go back. I am so glad you guys were able to do that!

emilyl.dobson@gmail.com said...

Hi Madison. I haven't looked at your blog since you were getting married. I love all the pictures. I love your wedding picture. You look so beautiful! Congrats on graduating in Dec. That's so exciting!

Katie said...

Madison, I just stumbled across your blog from Drew's. It is fun to see what you have been up to lately. Where are you two living now? If you don't mind, I am going to add you to my blog!

Meagan said...

These pictures bring back fun memories! I'm so jealous you got to go again! It looks like you guys had fun.

Mckenzi and Matthew said...

Hey Madison!:)
It was so good to see you the other day (besides my awesome choice of clothing:) haha) You are so sweet im glad you guys are having so much fun! If you ever have a free second im sure Matt would love to see you, and of course I would too! Im glad I ran into you, hope things are going great!

LebaronLife said...

Madison! I had no idea you had gotten married! Congrats! You two are a darling couple!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to post again but I must have been under the wrong blog when I left you that message! Congrats again!